Book Design
I created the cover design and did the production work for Champions of Change.
I design the cover and interiors for this book. The goal was to use text and illustrations from an older series and create a fresher, more giftable package.
Inspiration Series
I did all of the creative work for this series except the text. I took the text that was generated by a team of my co-workers and chose the imagery to illustrate each phrase. I designed the style, the package, the works.
Other Books
Totes and gifts
The series of cat totes was inspired by the #catsofgibbssmith instagram page. I took the cutes ones and created literary puns with the help of the Gift Team.
This one didn’t get selected for production, but it’s one tote I would like to own!
This one didn’t get selected for production, but it’s one tote I would like to own!
This tote didn’t get picked for production.
Snarky totes were my brainchild from start to finish. I came up with about 20 book themed snarky quotes and the team voted on their favorites.
The prompt for this one was making a design that worked with our line of merit badge inspired buttons. I went a little quirky with it!
All of these totes were created by me. Usually I was working from a phrase and sometimes I was repurposing a button design from a freelance artist.
This tote was created as part of my interview process. I was chosen by the Wordy bookstore in New York for custom swag.
This tote was created as part of my interview process. It was selected by Barnes and Nobel for national distribution.